BoomDoPa by Mary Knysh & Betsy Bevan

Product Number: MKBDP / UPC: 037728529834



A Facilitator's Guide to BoomDoPa: Ethnic Influenced Music Improvisation

By Mary Knysh & Betsy Bevan

A remarkably user-friendly guide and powerful teaching tool for music educators who are interested in self-expression through music improvisation. BoomDoPa offers 31 ethnic-influenced improvisations for a range of ages, appropriate for any classroom, and a great way to approach multi-cultural education.

This book is a collection of creative ideas for music educators, classroom, teachers, workshop facilitators, music therapists, and anyone who is interested in exploring ways to access their own music and to expand their repertoire of teaching tools.

As a cutting-edge workshop facilitator, trainer and consultant, Mary’s clinics and learning materials emphasize creativity, leadership and nonverbal communications.

Besides being an Orff Schulwerk clinician, Mary also acts as a teaching artist for the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts, Young Audiences of NJ, and New York BOCES, and is an international master teacher/trainer with the Music for People organization. She also regularly travels as a Remo artist throughout the United States, Europe and Asia offering drum circle facilitator trainings, performances, and workshops.

Mary Knysh is also the founder of Rhythmic Connections (, an innovative company advancing education, health, and creative development through drum circles and music improvisation.


  • Made for all ages
  • Goes well with Orff and Kodály Curriculum
  • Includes objectives/skills/concepts/materials

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