About Mary Knysh
I’m Mary E. Knysh, founder of Rhythmic Connections, an innovative company advancing education, health, and creative development through drum circles and music improvisation. I'm a workshop facilitator and trainer; creativity, leadership and communications consultant and coach; professional musician; recording artist and author. You'll find me presenting at conferences throughout the United States, Central Europe, Australia and Asia. An international teacher/trainer with the Music for People organization, I'm also an Orff Schulwerk clinician and teaching artist for the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts, Young Audiences of NJ, and New York BOCES.
Music is my life. I love it, I love people, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me when others experience the transformative quality of drum circlesdrum circles, drumming, and music improvisation.
For the past 25 years, I've conducted workshops and trained facilitators in drumming and music improvisation in the United States and around the world. I'd like to do the same for your group or organization.
All people possess an incredible natural musical genius. That's one of the most important things I've learned in my career as a musician, workshop leader, and coach. Being able to watch people move from being nervous and tentative to that moment of breakthrough joy, of "Aha, I can do this!" -- I live for it, and it happens all the time in all different ways.
Drum circles and music of all kinds can change the way people in education, health care, and corporations see the world and relate to one another. When you hire me, you get the entire package of experience, verve, and passion for music, life, and people. You can expect me to deliver the highest quality program I can, my cooperation in designing a program that's perfectly suited to your needs, and the joy and fun of an enthusiastic, memorable experience.
Professional Development
Mary offers professional development in multiple areas:
Visit http://www.rhythmicconnections.com/get-rhythmic.html for more information.